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张文远 Experience sharing on P2
摘要  张文远 仅用3个月就420分高分通过CMA英文P1考试! 以下是学员张文远昨日刚考完P2归来后写下的第一手考经情报哦! I would like to take the opportunity to share

 张文远 仅用3个月就420分高分通过CMA英文P1考试!


I would like to take the opportunity to share my experience on Part 2 exam taken last Friday. It's bad for me to catch a heavy cold last week so I was abviously not on the condition for exam, but still working very hard to come through 4.5hours.

I am used to review the textbook and all the points mentioned by teacher on courses before the exam, I did this as well last Thursday for Part2, it's very interesting I thought and afraid Risk management can be a good point to be tested on essay question, oh my god! it becomes true, when I finshed the multiple choices and 1st essay question is in terms of risk management, but unfortunately there is no reference answers on the textbook and relavant 管理会计师erials. Kelson did mention the risk management on the final review course, but unfortunately I couldnt get everything on the screen, it's not enough to get full score for this question, sigh!

2nd essay question is in regards to operating cash flow and some liquidity ratios calculation and some analysis regarding how to speed up the cash collection.

For multiple choice, it seems everything was covered except unit 7, but it's very difficult to finish all the calculation, so I marked around 13 questions which I was fully lost the direction and just give the answers by coin.

Hopefully I can come through the exam like I did last October with Part1 (420!) And best wishes to every one who will be fighting for CMA exam!
It's very much welcome to speak if needed, and please dont mind for me to write down these with English because we are taking English exam!

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CMA是美国注册管理会计师(Certified Management Accountant)的简称。是由美国管理会计师协会(IMA)于1972年所推出的专业认证制度,作为对会计和财务专业人士的鉴定,CMA与美国注册会计师(USCPA)、金融特许分析师(CFA)一起并称为美国财会领域的三大认证,被众多企业所认可。